Why we suffer ..

Its 26th of November. Its Deja-vu all over again. Quite a familiar sight for us Indians. We, the Indians, compassionate,forgiving people, we from the land of sages and karma. We are at it again, time and again, a handful of people, from outside, from within our borders, keep reminding us again and again of our debility, of our spineliness, of our cowardice but above all, most worrying of them, our lack of compassion, empathy and sympathy towards the victims, our lack of respect towards the life of our fellow Indians.

The question which we need to ask ourselves is simple, is Indian blood so cheap that it is meant to wash railway platform, taxi seats, hotel corridors and rooms. Again a handful of ruffians came to our land, attacked us, held a nation for ransom at will and what is the response from our leaders. Deputy CM went on record saying that "small things like that happens in big cities. they came here to kill 5000 and we let them kill only 200". Well done sir, you as our leader, make us feel proud. If you would have lost your son, your daughter, your near and dear one , you would not have said that. Politics can make a man shameless, but a little respect towards the departed could have been more sensible. Major Unikrishnan, he was only son to his parents, Mr. Karkare left his two weeping daughters behind, SP Kamate gave up his life, his little son may be too young to understand what his father has done. We remember you sir, no matter what a fool of minister says, we the common people of India are in debt and you will remain in our hearts, you were a gladiators, true sons of mother India and we are proud of you, may your soul find peace in heavenly adobe.
We Indians are indeed a rare species. And incidents like this make me wonder whether we really are a nation or just group of people, who are by design belongs top a geographical area, what we call India. We say that mumbai is a city full of soul and no matter what mumbaikar go about there life in extreme circumstances, but I say to you, a little bit of mourning to the lost lives would not be a ad idea for us. Don't forget the tragedies and go about your life as nothing happened. Don't be apathetic , don't be forgiving. Be angry, weep, mourn, as your nation has lost some of the best men it had. Delhi , city of dil-walahs, where was your heart when people died in the bomb blasts, may you were a bit busy in personal advancement, after all loosing life in India is not a big deal and we have bomb blasts more times than we have firecrackers in diwali.
I belong to a small village in himanchal and advantages of being from himachal is that there are only 2 professions you can take up, either be a teacher or be a soldier. I grew up in Delhi, at the heart of Delhi University, so I know the name of a few more professions. But the thing is that, in Himachal we have at least one person per family in army. For me Army runs in our blood, grandfather, four uncles, three of my cousins, all officers of Indian Army, who wore and still wearing The Olive Green with distinction. So, I know a thing or two about serving your country, giving your blood to defend it and I know plenty about the things which families of martyrs go through. They are forgotten in a month, nobody cares.
So, to forgot about our heroes is a normal things to us Indians. We are pretty good at it. We have already forgotten Major Vikram Batra, Captain Anuj Nair, Lt. Saurabh Kaliya. We have already forgotten the warriors of Kargil. They do not concers us. The martyrs of Delhi Parliament attack are also a distant memory, and so are thousands of victims of bomb blasts in J&K, in Delhi, in North East, in Gujrat and in Mumbai. They are nobody to us and there families are not a concern for us. Look at people of UK, they still remember the victims of London blasts, people of US still remembers the victim of 9/11, but we don't care, simply because for us its a way of life. We are so accustomed of taking things lightly that we no longer cares. When something like this happens it becomes a source of drama for us, we discuss about it in offices, we talk about in buses and then we forget about it.
Its time now for us to take a stand. Its time for us to raise our voices, enough of this blackmail, enough of this across the border terrorism. The country which is not even 1/4 of us keeps coming at us and we always forgive, but not now. The attack is on the Indian pride and it no longer can be tolerated. Its time to face up the terror rather than running away and hoping that it will go away, that those inhuman terrorists would get a grip over them. They are not human, they are merciless animals and its time that we face them, eye to eye and eliminate this for once and all. The country is made up of people when the people can emphasize with each other, one for all and all for one. Time has come to show the solidarity, to make the sacrifices and to face the hardships to eliminate this terror for once and for all and that would be our homage to fellow brothers who died for us.


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