Gandhi - An enigma

Gandhi jayanti it is, birthday of a leader of men. One leader whose names evokes discussion as heated and reactions so extreme, that intensity of those could not be matched, remain unparalled, even after more than 61 years of his death. Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was probably one of the greatest leader and human being who walked in blood and mass on this earth, but then why there is a list of people hating him, deriding him at every possible opportunity, to the extent that word Gandhi becomes a synonym for being weak.

Gandhi to me, for larger part of life remains a figure, who is enigmatic to say the least. Now this is a strange statement to say about a person, whose entire life was almost spent in public eye, with crores of people following him in India and across the globe, with countless collection of books, biographies, articles devoted to him. But this is a fact, my truth, that Gandhi to me was, and still remains an enigma. Who was real Gandhi, what was he thinking when he decided to end Non-cooperation movement after Chauri chara, what was he thinking in round table conference, when he arrived in a dhoti before world leader. Was that a statement of intent or just a way of life for Bapu? Why he did not put pressure on Britishers for release of Bhagat Singh, why Bose was made to leave congress, despite the fact that he was clearly much popular than another protege of Gandhi? Questions like those are indeed make one to wonder, who was real Gandhi? Was he a show man, does he favours nepotism, does he had his favourites. Questions aplenty, but answer died long back in time, and what remains is speculations only, by people who does not have a iota of idea what Gandhi stands for, who can not match that man 1%, who can not hold candle to that man. But should this derision of Gandhi surprise us? Not really, considering that what we love most is to see a fallen idol. But one truth remain, idols can rise and idols can fall, but Gandhi, Bapu, was and still is way above those things. He is a legend, a colossus among men, a figure who comes around once in a while and we despite some of his shortcomings, should be proud of the fact that he was an Indian, our Bapu.

Let me make this clear that I am a supporter of Gandhi, never was and probably never would be. Because I am a common man, I become angry when someone abuse me, I hit back when someone hits me, I resent people, I feel jealous of people, power make me egoistic and dangerous and I certainly don't turn my other cheek if somebody hits me. But Gandhi was above those things, he had entire nation clinging to each one of his words, but he never mis use the power, he was hit, put in jail, but never resent people, he was not jealous and he did indeed offer his other cheek when hit on first cheek. Does my fallibility makes me lesser man, no, it does not, but infallibility of Gandhi makes him much more than a man.

Recently there were lot of articles about how Gandhi was responsible for everything which is wrong with India, a book by a person, who claims that Gandhi was not the man we know him to be and Jinnah was indeed a true Indian. Take a bow Mr. Jaswant "lost it" Singh. Now there is one man whom i did admire once for his composure in political sphere, but to suggests that a aristocrat and egoist like Jinnah is better than Gandhi, or even JLN, is indeed a statement of sheer madness. Mr. Singh, just look at Pakistan, a country which Jinnah modeled on his personality, a failed state, whose main occupation is to produce terrorists and export terrorism across the world. Then look at the country which is yours, a country which is progressive, modern, moving towards being a world leader and a country which offers people like you occupation, security and freedom of speech, which I dare to suggest, that you used very wrongly in this case. 15 minutes of fame is fine, but it need be on the expense of person, to whom we all are indebted, whether we agree or not. No human is beyond fault and its human nature to like one person more than another. So if Gandhi likes JLN more than Jinnah, is it really that bigger a crime, which gives a person like Mr. Singh to flak Gandhi? You got it wrong this time Mr. Singh and though it is indeed sad that you were thrown out of party which you were a founding member, I bet there won't be many person across India who offered any sympathy to you. May your book sell enough copies to keep you in good spirits and good finance. I am sure, if Gandhi was around today, he would have excused you, cause he was a man much above than all this, but alas BJP leaders are no Gandhi, so bye bye to you Mr. Singh.

Today, I would like to tell you Mr. Gandhi, I may not admire your methods, but as a person you were unmatched and you are a constant inspiration to me and crores people like me across the globe, for leading a life at their own terms, but not harming others in the process. Take a bow and happy birthday to you Bapu, you have become 140 years young today :).


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