Part of me - Divided in-infinite pieces

I used to go through life
whining and complaining
bemoaning at the failed attempts
wishing what should have happened infact
the life has habit of not listening
if you keep crying and shouting
life's ear not pierced by voices
but by words unsaid
and the unsaid words were miserable
future dark and sad
life took a clue from that
and give me what in thoughts I conjure
I complained about the people in my life
they come and left
but each one of them took something with them
some part of me which now belongs to them
I was always afraid of losing myself
and bit by bit, part by part
some people took small part, some took a larger pie
but when they depart from life, what is left is just a sigh
I put myself in a cocoon
to save myself from the hurt
I told myself its safe to close me
that way nobody gonna hurt
but with every departure there was some change
it was me who was changing, losing myself again
I was afraid, lost and confused
I never want to lose myself
but people and relations take something from you
and gave to you memories, happy and sad
I clinged to those memories and seeing myself being lost
but there was some changes in me, as if i had lost the plot
then the lightning struck and I realized
why I am still complete after so many tries
In relations there is always give and take
if I have lost something, there is also something which I take
I am complete in my own way, transformed and reformed
people in my life have given their bits to me as well
whenever I lost someone, the essence is not lost
I lost ourselves a bit, but gained their bit as a host
It took me time but I have realized,
the people never went away, never took anything from me,
there is no way I am going to be incomplete
cause the people which come into my life
they have left themselves within me
I have lost myself but gained them
transformation is the only constant, rest remains a flux
I am not afraid anymore to face the world
sunshine does not hurt eyes, clouds do not bring miserable downpours
when it rains I let it wet my soul
when its shining, it shines my soul as well
I am not afraid, because I know for sure
People will come and go, but will remain within me, as part of me.


Rachana said…
Many people do come and go ... Don't let the people who love you drift away coz they are your real treasure .. at the same time, people who really love you will never leave you .. kuch samajh aaya?? aaya ho toh mujhe bhi samjha dena :P
Rachana said…
I felt that you were weak and crying within ... but then it has a happy ending .. alls well that ends well :-)

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