
Showing posts from November, 2014

Life - Demystified

Having a tender a heart, a mind which feels for other and a soul which is gentle and caring, all sounds so good and ideal. Compassion, idealism all sounds to proper, so right, so good. Put those values in soul of a persona and you will have individual who is a beacon of all good about humans. Alas it is not that simple. There is nothing like an ideal man. We all are designed to make pursuit of happiness as our only goal in life. Some of us look at spirituality to provide them happiness, some to religion, some to helping other out, others fight poverty, and some are champions of democracy, for some they are willing to bleed for communism. We all want to be special, to have individual and unique thought process, to feel self-important and however we argue against it, when it comes to I vs them, we invariably choose I over them anytime. “I love my parents”, “I am willing to do anything for my friends”, “I can die for my country”, “I am a good human inside”, “I never intentionally hu