Why Astrological Remedies are Harmful..

 Life was going ohh so smooth till 2018, I was the star employee, person with Midas touch, person who can do no wrong. Whichever client I worked for, only got respect, recommendation and few job offered to join client team. Was the most popular Manager in the office, the person who can make things happen effortlessly….and then Ketu happened.

Blog is based out of true life experience, something which made life upside down. Went on such roller coaster ride since start of Ketu- Venus period that the only refuse for me for past few years was God. Lot of sleepless nights, anxiety, fear, setbacks are career, it seems like I can do nothing right. And still there are 3 more years of Ketu maharaj to go. 

From the person who casually used to believe in astrology to one who now can look at intricacies of Astro phenomenon and take shelter in the logic of karma.

Spoke to zillions of astrologers, read countless articles, and tried many remedies, now after 4 years, I have made peace with the fact that Ketu maharaj comes to teach you lessons in short span of time ( only for 7 years,  compared to other big dashas), but the action is fast and furious. Ketu is a saint, the one who believes in detaching you from something you value the most, it can be your family ( most of the people exp loss of close ones, divorce in Ketu), your job ( if you take and identify yourself with your job). Effects will be so sudden and devastating that you will be left wondering, how the hell things got here. The more you try to fight, struggle, look for remedies, more forceful the effects will be. 

You can’t run from Ketu maharaj and lessons he wants go teach, so the best way, I realise after many fruitless attempts, is to surrender yourself to the teaching. Reach inside you, if you are always being spiritual, remember the teaching from Shri bhagvan Geeta and focus on do your karma and pray that you get through these 7 years from hell relatively unscathed.

Unfortunately Ketu is a headlesss shadow planet, so any remedies, Pooja you do, it may not make much difference. Few things which can help you ease out for sometime is to chant Hanuman. Chalisa, Remember shiv and shiv chalisa, listen to Vishnu sahastranaam and help people and animals in distress

More you help others, better things will be (relatively). Feed dogs, birds, help poor and make sure that you don’t harm anyone intentionally

Pay special attention to periods of Ketu- sun ( loss of prestige, job), Ketu- moon(loss of mental peace, entirety, sleeplessness), Ketu-mars ( anger, issues at workplace), and ketu- rahu( when the head of demon meets the body, this event can have; only once in lifetime and this period is something which will make you stand at the door of temple for relief and forgiveness). I call these 4 consecutive periods , which spans over 2.5 years as pure hell, this sequence is problematic or may be much more than any other dashha. By the end of this, Ketu maharaj would have burned down your past life karma (Ketu is the owner of past life Karma as well) and you will be at your knees, just asking for some relief. Good news, if you have learnt your lessons, Ketu- Guru period will mean some normalancy in life, relief after 4 years of hell snd your should expect some positivity. If you have reached here and survived, hopefully with small scars, thank your stars and for next 3 years, recover before then end of ketu and start of king of good times ( or rather queen ) Venus Mahadasha, which comes after Ketu for 20 years, and after Ketu you will welcome the good times with open arms and a thank you at your lips.


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