A Son Never Forgets

A father left humbled
by failings in his life,
he searches for success
in his son's actions and choice.

A mother who sacrifices
all her happiness and comforts,
so that her son can get all comforts
as he grapples with the tides of life.

A son who can see and sense
his parents sacrifices and pain,
he always remember his roots
ingrained in fertile soil of his parents efforts .

A father who wants best for his son
and only asks for this,
never ever fail me son
never quit on your father.

A mother who never wants anything
comforts of life forgotten for long,
toils hard and long with a smile
eyes always seems forlorn.

I have cut my wings
and choose to toil along the ground,
so that my son can flutter his wings
and fly high along the horizon.

Go on son, achieve whatever you wants
go and fly, be high and mighty,
just come back home in the nights
to the comforts of your mother's arm.

Parents are old and weak now
once mighty arms of father now weaken by time,
shoulder of mother who carried you
now not strong enough to carry the burden of life.

Come back soon son, you are all we got
we can do without seeing sun
but not without the sight of your face,
our ears are longing to hear
the chattering and blabbering of your voice
that may be irritating to most
but soothing music to our dimming lives.

I will be there when u need me the most
i never forget you, my heart never skip any of your beats,
The one who forget is not a son
cause A son never forgets his folks.


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